Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Driving him Cuckoo...

My husband inspires me --usually to prove him wrong-- but often he just inspires me to try things I wouldn't normally try. Or, to try things I would normally ask him to do, because half a dozen requests later he gets that little edge of a "sigh" in his voice where I can tell I'm pushing my luck and he's really just helping me because he loves me so much but there are a THOUSAND things he'd rather be doing. And that's why I built a bird house for my bird sanctuary, ALL by MYSELF.
Except for maybe those half a dozen things...
I was inspired by a bird house I saw while wandering through amish Paradise. No really, the real place, not the song. My father-in-law gave me these gorgeous, really tall spindles under the guise that he was cleaning out his house.
Of course, my husband LOVES when I bring more clutter into ours, so naturally I accepted. ;)
I did buy a few things from Lowes- the little matching spindles, some wood, some glue some other things that looked pretty...
And naturally, the living room hardwood floor is the place to pound nails and screw screws. (Of course my hubby wouldn't agree that I could just glue the whole thing and be done with it)

My hubby WAS kind enough to cut a few (most) of the bigger pieces of wood. Hey, this girl can work her way around the miter saw, but if the board is too fat, well that other saw thingy... the circle shaped one... we don't get along.
So after a few dozen bent over nails and a lot of splitting wood chunks and things falling off after I was absolutely convinced they were secure and things flopping over that were supposed to be holding other things up, (and secret blobs of glue) I got this...
Yeah it's a little rough. I've got some sanding and painting to do. But I give this a really proud "Ta-Da!"
My hubby isn't home yet and I'm sure when HE picks it up, it will all fall over, but for now, it seems to be stable. Stable like Charlie Sheen in the 90's - ya know, there's the potential for disaster, but hopefully it's far down the road and you'll get a few good years out of it before catastrophe strikes.
I can't wait to put this outside and see what happens. Once my hubby digs the hole in the ground of course... :)
Anyone ever try to build a bird house? Success? Bird massacres?


  1. "TA-DA" proudly girl! It looks great! I built a birdhouse in 5th grade, with some wood scraps and a few pieces of leftover scraps of cedar siding from our lakehouse, and it turned out quite well. (um, had a wee bit of help from my daddy) My mom had it in her garden until it finally fell apart last summer........dare I tell you how long ago I was in 5th grade? :)

  2. I won't make you tell as long as I don't have to think back that far myself. :)

  3. i once covered pine cones in peanut butter and bird seed and hung them with different lengths of yarn from a hanger. does that count? The birdies got a little dizzy. The pine cones are still on my deck.

    I would be proud to call yours a resort if i were a bird.

  4. And my husband said, "it's not a thousand things I'd rather be doing, it's only about 990 other things."
