Monday, March 25, 2013

Lies, Lies, and more Supplies

I have been lied to.

It started with that furry rat-faced beast people love to parade out every February. Powers of divination my foot. Short winter my other foot. Someone should string that giant, overstuffed rodent up by his feet and pelt him with snowballs.

And I'm fairly certain he was the one nibbling on my tomatoes last year...

So, one week into spring, March is still roaring like a lion and I think it ate the lamb.

You may not know this. But snow and I have a mutual hatred for one another. It likes to try to kill me and I like to sit on the back step of my kitchen with a blow dryer on an extension cord, melting one square foot at a time, laughing like a maniac.
My neighbors stay inside a lot.

And my squash seed packet lied to me. And I quote "start seeds indoors four to six weeks before last frost." So I did. And three days ago this little crazy seed started to push itself out of the dirt, along with other little baby nubs of green. Awwww! So cute! Right?

Except the next day, my squash seeds, and I lie not, were this tall...

 The size of a sharpie, overnight...

And then today they were towering over the sharpie, straining against the roof of my bio-domes and shading over my now dwarfish latest batch of tomatoes.

I think I'm going to have to put them in their own pots soon. I don't know what they'll be doing in 4-6 weeks, but I find it very hard to believe that they will be small, easily transplanted vegetable plants. I'm going to have to dig holes large enough to accommodate root balls equal to the size of mature trees...

On the plus side, Hubby, who loves me so very very much, took me to Tractor Supply this weekend to help me spend a bit of birthday money I'd saved up for supplies.

You'd never heard so much ho-hum-ing when he realized he was going to have to put 16 ft sections of cattle fencing in the back of his truck and even more when he realized I had done it once before by myself. But now I have the supplies to build my tomato tunnels. SO EXCITED!!! And totally worth the eye rolling and exasperation of a Hubby who had a million other things to get done that day. ;) I do love that man.

Yesh! It's crazy over here in topsy-turvey spring land, but I can't wait to get outside and get these plants out in the soil!

What's growing in your house? What are you doing to get your garden ready? Share, Share!!!

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