Thursday, February 16, 2012

Come on lil' fella...

Anyone who has owned a television in the last ten years has probably seen Jurassic Park.


 Not the dozen or so to follow. And not to be confused with that other really popular movie, Sharktopus, which is almost as scary and realistic when it comes to people-eating monsters.
But, getting back on track, there's a scene in Jurassic park where a little tiny dinosaur is hatching from an egg in the confines of a lab. And all the characters coax it on with little whispers of "come one little fella" and "that's it!"
Unbeknownst to them, that dinosaur probably grew up and ate someone in movies two, or three, or four, or you get the point...

And this afternoon, as I was standing, pitcher in hand, water pouring all over the basement floor, shrieking like a cat that had gotten it's tail stepped on, I found myself thinking about that movie scene.

Because there, tucked under the little granules of dirt, pushing it's way heavenward with all the might it's fragile leaves could muster, was a little red cabbage plant peeking it's tiny little self out into the bright bright world of florescent lighting and thermal infrared waves.
Only, my plant won't be eating people.

Too bad... That would make a pretty cool horror film.
You can borrow that one SyFy Channel. You're Welcome.

Anyone else see anything popping out of the dirt that tickles them pink? Flowers? Weeds? Groundhogs? Share!

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