Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pow(ErErErErErErrrrrrrrrrrrr) Tools.

It is gorgeous outside. With just three or four layers of thick wool clothing and a double up on the socks, one can really enjoy the beautiful nearly 50 degree weather today. It's practically bathing suit season--if you've got one of those head to toe bits from the 20's. And who doesn't?

That's why I had wind blowing in my hair and the rev of the engine cutting through the noise of twittering birds. Until I turned the power sander off. I love that tool, but it does leave a handful of sawdust plastered to the scalp. But today, I finished up that birdhouse I started weeks ago, and plopped it into the yard where it belongs.

If you didn't get the title,
That's my noise impression of a power tool engine.
None of my sisters or I were gifted with power tool impressionism. You should hear my sister's impression of a machine gun. Sad. So sad.

Tada! I tried to spray paint the roof pieces with that stone texture paint. I was going for "shingles." Eh, I luv it. I'll go back out and fill the base with bird seed and suet later on.
But first I had to wait for... Quickrete to dry. Which it's doing right now. I hope. But it seemed stable enough when I left it. Alone. In the yard with no additional support. Swaying in the gentle breeze...

I was going to ask for a little help today, but poor hubby is slumbering away on the couch with a dreadful cold. I think I'll dope him up with a bit of NyQuil before I tell him I used a bag of his Quickrete. I'm sure he had plans for it.

I laid out my little "stepping stone" path, made from stained slices of trunk from the tree that fell in our yard last year. I've been skipping back and forth across it since I laid it down, imagining where the elephants ear is going to come up and where the ferns will be planted and where the honeysuckle will climb up the trunks and where the astilbes and bleeding heart will go...
The path ends at this cute shepherds hook from my mom, bird feeder from hubby and nephews and seed from father-in-law. I've got a super family!
 Not so super- my seedlings. I think they're taking steroids behind my back. One of them grew an inch and a half in 36 hours. I'm off to set up a nanny cam on those little guys.

 Up to anything in your yard? Getting those tools ready? Sowing those seeds inside yet? Share!

1 comment:

  1. Clearly the at-ats say piu piu piu . Also. I want to be a fairy princess gnome who lives in your enchanted forest.

    Also...just came across a fun birdhouse plan remind me to show you.
    My garden helper delivered me one lambs ear and three blades of onion grass yesterday.
