Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Two weeks of it...

My poor husband. My birthday is two weeks away and since I've been doing nothing but staring at seed cataloges and gardening books, I've got quite the extravagant wish list. It ranges from gardening tools to lumber and fencing and half a dozen other crazy ideas that make a person sputter out his drink with a "Say what now?" I don't get it. What's wrong with wanting a truck full of manure?
Speaking of odd things on my wish list, I found this arbor/trellis idea on another blog and am planning on stealing it for my own garden. I've got two places I'd like to put this, at the begining and the end of a path in my "lower" garden. Then we'll find out if winter squash will be the winner in this gamble or if I will come out victorious. I have this sick preoccupation with hanging hefty things over people's heads...

Anyway, now has been a good time to go over all of my mistakes from the past year. Don't worry. The winter is young and I have plenty of time to recount them all. :)

Last year was the first year I tried to grow seeds indoors. Last year most of my seedlings died. I did get a few timid eggplant, but everything else withered and turned to fungus.
Most of my seeds caught a disease called damping-off. They got cute and green and the next day they all fell over dead. Or maybe it was because i didn't water some of them regularly and they all fell over dead. I like to think it was disease in the soil. But logic says it was my watering irregularity. Anyway, this year I'll be sure that my planting medium is safe and I check my plants every day to see if they need water.
What was your worst indoor seedling transplant disaster?

1 comment:

  1. My little seedlings all got moldy and died last year. a lil' overwatering, you could say. What is it about plants; they're so picky! Too much water, not enough; how's a simple human to keep up with it?

    Besides that, I had packets and packets of seeds to start outdoors. I also have three elfish helpers who like to do their work when nobody is looking. Let's just say, we had a mystery garden last year. And not a whole lot came up.
