Monday, January 23, 2012

Weather-- you like it. Or not...

It's one of those days. It's almost warm, but then there's the rain and the slow melting snow that's turning into the ugliest color imaginable. You know, that color between mud and smog residue? You're afraid to play in it and it's too old and yucky to make snow ice cream. Which means once again, I find myself trapped inside, staring out at the mounds that are my garden, wishing away the days and hugging a hot mug in my weather chapped fingers.

Thank goodness for books.

I've exhausted all the seed catalogs- all 11 of them -and my paltry garden fund- so I turn to my second option. Books.
I always hated garden books when I was younger. Ugly 80's styled photography with gritty, grainy pictures that look like the plants were caught by the plant papparazi with their leaves down. Oh, the horror! But lately I have fallen in love with the plethora of books that are out there today.

Most of them have bright, eye catching pictures with clear descriptions and just enough information to peak the intrest without giving the feeling that you've suddenly got to have a degree in horticulture to understand what it is the author is talking about. These are my favorites right now. I also LOVE Organic Gardening magazine. I find myslef paging through them again and again, finding new little details each time. The others I return to almost as often and several of these are always in reach near the couch.
Of course, I've got my own little Garden Journal, which has kind of become my sketch pad as well.
Right now, it's pretty empty save for a few bird house sketches I'm working on (with my hubby's help). I'm hoping, that by the year's end, it will be filled with notes on veggies that worked -or didn't- in my garden and what I can do differently to guarantee a more successful crop the following year! Then I can prove to my hubby that my hobby IS actually productive and not a giant money pit. ;) I'm not sure I'm convinced just yet either....
What gardening books and magazines are your favorites?


  1. i don't really have any gardening books... but i will need to start reading them eventually. I guess i'm still not convinced that there is a book out there that can actually help me and my black thumb.

  2. Start with something like "Grow Vegetables." (They also have "Grow Fruit") Half of almost every page is filled with pictures which I found very helpful. It's one thing to read about gardening and another to see it step by step. It was my first gardening book and possibly my favorite.
