Sunday, January 22, 2012

Ugh.... Winter. Yay?

Winter is the bane of my existance. While most gardeners appreciate the time to recover and plan, I'm ready to make a foray into my garden and attack the weeds with vigor. Of course all the weeds are dead and buried under a thick blanket of snow and the earth is hard and unyeilding and mean.

Winter also makes me grumpy.

My hubby hates winter too. But that's my fault. The longer I am trapped inside, the more I plan, replan and add more plans. Poor hubby. He's probably still a couple of months behind my current yard plans. On which I've permanantly settled. For now.

But, while being trapped inside, away from the tundra like winds ripping across the landscape and the looming death and decay of winter, one has no choice but to stay warm with a bevy of hot liquids. And when coffee is unavailable -say it ain't so- one must turn to tea.

Blame winter, dear sweet hubby, blame winter...
Now I want to start a tea garden. Or maybe it's a tea additive garden, I'm not sure, but I'd like to grow things that can be added to tea leaves (which can be bought on amazon in bulk) to make my very own delicious tea blends. Epcot did this brilliantly and the last time I trapsed through I was striken with tea garden envy.
I don't have large teacups to plant tea blends in, but I do have this tremedously large window box which gets a decent amount of sun. I'm planning to pack it full of citrus mints, spearmint, chamomile, lavender, pineapple sage, lemon verbena and whatever else will survive the northern climate. I love loose teas in unusual combinations. I can't wait to mix my own dried blueberries, spearmint, lemon peel and kiwi combination. Did you just shudder? The combinations are endless! If I can combine my love of dried fruits with my love of fresh herbs in a potable beverage derived from my very own garden, then the world, or my yard, is a better place. Hundreds of combinations of organic teas, a lazy stroll away. Can you imagine?
I've got lots to research. I'm almost glad I'll be stuck inside. Almost, but not really. I still hate winter.
Has anyone ever tried to make a homemade tea blend? Successes? Dismal faliures?

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