Friday, January 13, 2012

Unseasonally Awesome!

Okay, it's bitter outside today, a day for eskimos and polar bears in my opinion, and maybe for people who are masochists. But yesterday was 50 degrees. For a PA January winter, that is unusually warm. So yesterday, despite the rain and mud, I went outside to play (In my hubby's shoes, not my pretty sneakers. I'm not crazy!) This is the result. :)

I can't wait to turn in some great manure and organic compost from a local farmer! Side note, find a better place to put cages, it's super windy today.

My bean teepee will go on the right and squash plants will fill in the gaps. I pulled all those weeds the other day. They never got the memo that it was winter.

I don't know if this will work, but i had these four pathetic little brussel sprout seedlings growing that a friend had given to me when i was in the middle of building my garden for next year. They fought in little tiny outdoor pots for the last few months, and since they refused to die, i tucked them into my coldframe. If i get one sprout from them, I'd be shocked, but they seem like little fighters.

Also a new addition to my yard, a beautifully painted wagon wheel, care of my brother who gave one of the best Christmas gifts ever! (Thank you brother!) Though any gift that is able to go outdoors (practically all of them) where great gifts this year. :)
And last but not least, I finally got around to tying up/training my grape vines. I'm not sure i did it anywhere near correctly, but it looks like the diagrams on the internet. I know I'll need to reenforce my trellises soon, the vines will probably snap these like a dry dead winter twig, but I'll figure that out eventually. 

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