Monday, May 14, 2012

Giddy Shreiking II

I can't get over how green the garden is becoming. The dirt is slowly disappearing under foliage, which is hopefully more intentional and less the weeds taking over. And so to continue the tour...

I'm trying a bit of interplanting. I put in three short rows of corn (maybe 15 seeds total) in a block formation and planted a few scarlet runner beans and a sprinkle of Bib lettuce in between the rows. The idea is, hopefully as the corn stalks grow, the beans will climb up the stalks and the lettuce will grow around the base and suppress the weeds. I've got the bean and lettuce popping up already and am anxiously awaiting the corn. I can't wait to see if it works.

In the second herb garden, my Calendulas, St. John's wort, Polka dot flowers and Watercress are popping up all over.

A chipmunk moved in to my squash garden. I'll scare him off if he tries to eat anything, but for now, I'm calling him Razzle Dazzle, the Jazz loving chipmunk.

My once anemic peppers have grown darker leaves in the natural sunlight. I think they hated the artificial light of my basement, but the original leaves stayed on long enough to let new ones sprout and then they wilted. I plucked off the older leaves to let the new, darker leaves take over.

All of the tomatoes are in and have really taken to the soil. They aren't quite a foot in height yet, but in a few more days, I'll set up my Florida Weave Tomato system, so hopefully you'll see a post for that in about a week.

I've got such a variety of tomatoes this year; I'm really excited. I put in Black Krim, Tangerine Mama, Red Lightning, Brandywine Pinks, Big Boy, Rainbow, Zebra and a few fun past tomatoes. I'm just imagining roasted tomatoes with sea salt and fresh herbs, slathered with olive oil on hearty Italian bread.... Yum.

Last, but maybe best of all, my blueberry and red raspberry bushes have real established themselves and have donned a lot more foliage then their previously twiggy little selves. I don't know what to expect from them this year, if anything at all, but they seem to like the soil well enough. I planted them close together, anticipating that they'll have to be covered if I want to get to the berries before the birds.

How is your garden looking? What's popping up right now? I've got a few things to replant- a few carrots, a squash or two, a tomatillo... But I don't feel too behind in the game.

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