Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Radish Topped Pasta-ahhhhh, mmmm...

I was outside picking radishes today. (The ones without Bunny's teeth marks. Bunny has good taste) More specifically, I was out picking French Breakfast radishes which are amazing and spicy and delicious.

The radishes were roasted atop a huge pile of cauliflower with a bit of olive oil and salt (pictures to come?) but what to do with all those precious radish tops...?

And although I am eager to try a hundred new radish recipes, most which call also for the radishes, I love the tried and true oldie (last year) Sauteed Radish Top Pasta, which is a breeze and oh so delicious.

I started with butter, because face it, if you want to make anything taste delicious, it's gotta have butter at the foundation.

So melt that foundation down and let the foaming subside...

Add chopped radish tops (which have been washed thoroughly; remember, there was manure in this garden this year...)

Saute them just until they begin to wilt.

Add a bit of pasta. ( I used a pasta made of tofu and sweet potato flour. And before you say ew, realize that one cup is about 25 calories compared to the 220 calories of the regular stuff, and it has trace amounts of protein. But feel free to do the ho-hum things and use the regular; it all tastes the same.)

Add a pinch of Parmesan and a pinch of salt. Lets make up for those lost calories! (see above)

Add some nuts. I LOVE pine nuts, but at $28 a pound, sometimes you just have to settle for sunflower seeds at $3.50 a pound. Sometimes, but not always...

Put it in a bowl. Because eating it right out of the pan is just barbaric.    ...When other people are watching you.

And then eat it. Which I really shouldn't have to say, but in a world where people need instructions on eating poptarts and go to prison for removing pillow tags, I thought I'd state the obvious. Just in case.

The leaves are like peppery spinach. So think of eating spinach pasta without needing to add pepper. And "Then why?", you ask, eat the radish tops when you could just eat the spinach? Because you didn't need to drive to the store for radish tops, buster.

What do you do with your radishes and radish tops?

Share, share!!


  1. We forgot to plant those although I may be the only one to eat the radish portion.

    1. The nice thing about radishes is that they come up super early, so even if you are the only one who likes to eat the radishes, that spot can still be cleared to plant other, less potent veggies for "Round 2." :)

  2. Beautiful!! You can bring that to work...;)

  3. Going to try that roasted radish recipe, I have oodles of them right now. Pat, you can plant radishes anytime!!!

    1. If you do raost the radishes and want any bit of that radish flavor left, I suggest leaving them with still just a hint of a crunch. If you raost them until soft, they taste almost...mmm... turnip-ish?
